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online privacy for queers

Navigational aid

Keyboard shortcuts

decorative picture for separation
  • CTRL + F : I'm looking for a word on the website page, I click on CTRL + F and I write the word in the box that opens (at the left bottom of the navigator)
  • TAB : I cans use this key to navigate on the website by going from link to link.
  • CTRL + C : I copy a text.
  • CTRL + V : I paste the text that I copied where I want.
  • CTRL + left click of the mouse : I open a link in a new tab.
  • CLICK + mouse wheel + move up or move down : I scroll the website page to the top/bottom, without spinning the mouse wheel.
  • ENTER: I open a link.


decorative picture for separation
  • CTRL + + ou CTRL + mouse wheel forward : Zoom +. The script is enlarged.
  • CTRL + - ou CTRL + roulette backward : Zoom -. The script is minimized.
  • Click on the moon : Night mode and contrasted theme.


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The infographics are readable with reading software. The text of the files is written in the html code of the site and is therefore readable by the screen reader.


decorative picture for separation

The name of the site is pronounced phonetically: [w] [i] [k] [a] [i] [a] (or in language "it's pronounced like it's written": ouikaïa)

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