
A set of societal beliefs and practices that leads to discrimination against people with psychic, mental and/or physical disabilities.
Person or movement that wants to abolish sex work. (see definition Sex work)
It's to not let a name appear.
Ref : Guide d'autodéfense numérique -
The cache is a memory system that temporarily saves recently viewed web pages in the browser. This allows them to be displayed faster on a future visit.
Centralized (internet)
Centralized internet is an internet where there is a mandatory and material centralized point.
(to) Check one's privileges
Questioning and becoming aware of the privileges inherent to our social positions. (see definition privilege)
A cisgender person is someone whose gender identity matches the gender assigned at birth.
A revelation or acknowledgment that one has a LGBTQIA+ identity.
« Cookies are small, often encrypted text files, located in browser directories. They are used by web developers to help users navigate their websites efficiently and perform certain functions. »
Ref : All About Cookies -
Action of giving one's agreement – enthusiastic, free and informed – to an action, to a project.
A metaphor about consent and a cup of tea : -
It is a form of harassment conducted through different digital channels. (see definition harassment)
Decentralized (internet)
The decentralized internet is an internet that can work whith the peer-to-peer system.
Divert a subject dealing with issues affecting a category of dominated people to bring the discussion back to an issue affecting a category of dominant people.
Dog pile
It is a collective reaction to something problematic a person says. A large number of people comment in reply to specify it to him and continue to disparage the original commenter without time limit.
Posting someone's personal information without their consent on the internet.
Drag (queen/king)
Dressing in a non-gender-conforming manner. It is an activity, not a gender identity.
≠ Transgender -
Operation which consists in transforming a clear message into another message, unintelligible to a third party, to ensure the secrecy of the transmission.
To read an encrypted email, you must have a set of keys (public and private).
Good to know, the header of an email is not encrypted.Good to know: the header of an email is not encrypted.
Fatmisia (fatphobia)
Set of societal beliefs and practices that leads to discrimination against fat people, whether in the private, professionnal and social domain.
Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft. Also known as the Web Giants.
Gender is both a question of identity positioning and an indicator for reading social relations of domination. My gender can be that of a woman, a man a non-binary person, ...
It is a series of repeated hostile actions that can psychologically weaken the victim.
Hosts (files)
File used by the operating system of a computer when accessing the internet. It contains the local IP and possibly IP addresses of external servers.
Computer telecommunications system at the international level that allow access to a lot of date of all kinds such as videos, texts, sites, images as well as services.
Concept of sociological analysis that shelds light on the way in which several oppressions can overlap and multiply the obstacles suffered by people who are minorities. It was the feminist Afro-American scholar Kimberle Williams Crenshaw who proposed the term to specifically adress the interseciton between sexism and racism experienced by black women.
Refers to the social status of people born with primary and/or secondary sex characteristics considered to fall outside typical social and medical definitions of “feminine” and “masculine”.
≠ Dyadic
Ref : Collectif Intersexes et Allié-e-s -
Make invisible
In the case of violence on the Internet, it means, for example, taking over resources created by others without crediting them or omitting the realities of the oppressions suffered by groups of people in speeches, actions, etc. This process works to the detriment of people who are minorities. -
IP Adress
A series of numbers uniquely identifying a computer on the network.
A dynamic IP changes with each connection ≠ fixed IP. -
Acronym of Internet Relay Chat.
It is a protocol for instant communication on the internet using text. -
Acronym of In Real Life. IRL marks the dichotomy between real world/virtual world or offline world/online world.
Acronym for the lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, intersex, asexual and aromantic communities.
Logs of events of a machine or system, such as a computer, a server, a website. For example: date, time, identity of a user when connecting to a website.
Login name
Name by which a user is identified during a connection to a server.
Metadata is information describing data, content. For example, for photos posted on the Internet, there is in particular the data and time of the shooting as well as the GPS coordinates which can be very easy to find.
An “umbrella” term for a person with a developmental, intellectual, cognitive, or mental illness. Functioning differently from what is socially considered the norm.
(to) Out someone
Force someone to "come out of the closet". Revealing sexual orientation, gender identity or other, without consent.
Series of secret letters, numbers, special characters to protect the connection of an user to a server.
Technology that allows the direct exchange of data between computers connected to the Internet, without going through a central server.
Refers to a systemic effect by which an individual has easier access to resources than other unprivileged individuals.
Pro choice
Person or movement that claims the freedom to dispose of one's body. Generally the three positions defended are the right to abortion, the wearing of the veil and the exercise of the sex work.
Pseudonymity is choosing and using a name different from your civil identity.
Ref : Guide d'autodéfense numérique -
Set of beliefs and societal practices that leed to discrimination against people who are said to be crazy, psychiatrized or neurotypical.
Initially, queer is an insult in English which means "strange", "weird" and which was used to designate all sexual and gender minorities.
This stigma has been returned by LGBTQIA+ groups to make it an identity designation. -
Set of societal beliefs and practices that dissociate white people from racialized people, and which leads to discrimination against so-called racialized people on personal, professional and social level.
Rape culture
Beliefs and social practices that insidiously “justify” the control of the body of minoritized people (sexual violence, in particular).
Revenge porn
Sexually explicit content that is publicly shared online without the consent of the person appearing in the content.
We prefer to say "intimate media divulgation". -
Discrimination based on gender.
Search engine
Software for finding information on the internet using keywords.
Source code
In computing, source code is a text that groups together the instructions that make up a program. They are human readable and written in a programming language.
(Open) source code
It is a source code with the possibility of free redistribution, access to the source code and creation of derivative works (fork).
Which acts on a system, on the scale of a system.
Sex work
It is a profession that consists of having priced sexualized relationships with others.
Threat model
The threat model is a process by which potential threats can be identified, listed, and prioritized, relative to what the hypothetical attacker might do.
A transgender person is someone whose gender expression and/or identity does not match the gender assigned at birth.
Acronym of Virtual Private Network. It allows information to be exchanged securely and anonymously using an different IP address from that of my computer.
However, the internet service provider knows the IP. -
Communication protocol allowing machines to be connected in a computer network, without them being connected using network cables.
Wi-Fi (open)
Public, free Wi-Fi that everyone (lots of people) can access. Generally, there is no need for a password to access it.