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online privacy for queers



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  • Ableism

    A set of societal beliefs and practices that leads to discrimination against people with psychic, mental and/or physical disabilities.

  • Abolitionnist

    Person or movement that wants to abolish sex work. (see definition Sex work)

  • Anonymity

    It's to not let a name appear.
    Ref : Guide d'autodéfense numérique

  • Cache

    The cache is a memory system that temporarily saves recently viewed web pages in the browser. This allows them to be displayed faster on a future visit.

  • Centralized (internet)

    Centralized internet is an internet where there is a mandatory and material centralized point.

  • (to) Check one's privileges

    Questioning and becoming aware of the privileges inherent to our social positions. (see definition privilege)

  • Cisgender

    A cisgender person is someone whose gender identity matches the gender assigned at birth.

  • Coming-Out

    A revelation or acknowledgment that one has a LGBTQIA+ identity.

  • Cyber-harassment

    It is a form of harassment conducted through different digital channels. (see definition harassment)

  • Decentralized (internet)

    The decentralized internet is an internet that can work whith the peer-to-peer system.

  • Derailing

    Divert a subject dealing with issues affecting a category of dominated people to bring the discussion back to an issue affecting a category of dominant people.

  • Dog pile

    It is a collective reaction to something problematic a person says. A large number of people comment in reply to specify it to him and continue to disparage the original commenter without time limit.

  • Doxx

    Posting someone's personal information without their consent on the internet.

  • Drag (queen/king)

    Dressing in a non-gender-conforming manner. It is an activity, not a gender identity.
    ≠ Transgender

  • Encryption

    Operation which consists in transforming a clear message into another message, unintelligible to a third party, to ensure the secrecy of the transmission.
    To read an encrypted email, you must have a set of keys (public and private).
    Good to know, the header of an email is not encrypted.

    Good to know: the header of an email is not encrypted.

  • Fatmisia (fatphobia)

    Set of societal beliefs and practices that leads to discrimination against fat people, whether in the private, professionnal and social domain.


    Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft. Also known as the Web Giants.

  • Gender

    Gender is both a question of identity positioning and an indicator for reading social relations of domination. My gender can be that of a woman, a man a non-binary person, ...

  • Harassment

    It is a series of repeated hostile actions that can psychologically weaken the victim.

  • Hosts (files)

    File used by the operating system of a computer when accessing the internet. It contains the local IP and possibly IP addresses of external servers.

  • Internet

    Computer telecommunications system at the international level that allow access to a lot of date of all kinds such as videos, texts, sites, images as well as services.

  • Intersectionnality

    Concept of sociological analysis that shelds light on the way in which several oppressions can overlap and multiply the obstacles suffered by people who are minorities. It was the feminist Afro-American scholar Kimberle Williams Crenshaw who proposed the term to specifically adress the interseciton between sexism and racism experienced by black women.

  • Intersex

    Refers to the social status of people born with primary and/or secondary sex characteristics considered to fall outside typical social and medical definitions of “feminine” and “masculine”.
    ≠ Dyadic
    Ref : Collectif Intersexes et Allié-e-s

  • Invisibilize

    Make invisible
    In the case of violence on the Internet, it means, for example, taking over resources created by others without crediting them or omitting the realities of the oppressions suffered by groups of people in speeches, actions, etc. This process works to the detriment of people who are minorities.

  • IP Adress

    A series of numbers uniquely identifying a computer on the network.
    A dynamic IP changes with each connection ≠ fixed IP.

  • IRC

    Acronym of Internet Relay Chat.
    It is a protocol for instant communication on the internet using text.

  • IRL

    Acronym of In Real Life. IRL marks the dichotomy between real world/virtual world or offline world/online world.


    Acronym for the lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, intersex, asexual and aromantic communities.

  • Log

    Logs of events of a machine or system, such as a computer, a server, a website. For example: date, time, identity of a user when connecting to a website.

  • Login name

    Name by which a user is identified during a connection to a server.

  • Metadata

    Metadata is information describing data, content. For example, for photos posted on the Internet, there is in particular the data and time of the shooting as well as the GPS coordinates which can be very easy to find.

  • Neurodivergent

    An “umbrella” term for a person with a developmental, intellectual, cognitive, or mental illness. Functioning differently from what is socially considered the norm.

  • (to) Out someone

    Force someone to "come out of the closet". Revealing sexual orientation, gender identity or other, without consent.

  • Password

    Series of secret letters, numbers, special characters to protect the connection of an user to a server.

  • Peer-to-peer

    Technology that allows the direct exchange of data between computers connected to the Internet, without going through a central server.

  • Private navigation

    Private browsing allows browsing without saving history and cookies.
    Private Browsing - Use Firefox without saving history

  • Privilege

    Refers to a systemic effect by which an individual has easier access to resources than other unprivileged individuals.

  • Pro choice

    Person or movement that claims the freedom to dispose of one's body. Generally the three positions defended are the right to abortion, the wearing of the veil and the exercise of the sex work.

  • Pseudonymity

    Pseudonymity is choosing and using a name different from your civil identity.
    Ref : Guide d'autodéfense numérique

  • Psychophobia

    Set of beliefs and societal practices that leed to discrimination against people who are said to be crazy, psychiatrized or neurotypical.

  • Queer

    Initially, queer is an insult in English which means "strange", "weird" and which was used to designate all sexual and gender minorities.
    This stigma has been returned by LGBTQIA+ groups to make it an identity designation.

  • Racism

    Set of societal beliefs and practices that dissociate white people from racialized people, and which leads to discrimination against so-called racialized people on personal, professional and social level.

  • Rape culture

    Beliefs and social practices that insidiously “justify” the control of the body of minoritized people (sexual violence, in particular).

  • Revenge porn

    Sexually explicit content that is publicly shared online without the consent of the person appearing in the content.
    We prefer to say "intimate media divulgation".

  • Sexism

    Discrimination based on gender.

  • Search engine

    Software for finding information on the internet using keywords.

  • Source code

    In computing, source code is a text that groups together the instructions that make up a program. They are human readable and written in a programming language.

  • (Open) source code

    It is a source code with the possibility of free redistribution, access to the source code and creation of derivative works (fork).

  • Systemic

    Which acts on a system, on the scale of a system.

  • Sex work

    It is a profession that consists of having priced sexualized relationships with others.

  • Threat model

    The threat model is a process by which potential threats can be identified, listed, and prioritized, relative to what the hypothetical attacker might do.

  • Transgender

    A transgender person is someone whose gender expression and/or identity does not match the gender assigned at birth.

  • VPN

    Acronym of Virtual Private Network. It allows information to be exchanged securely and anonymously using an different IP address from that of my computer.
    However, the internet service provider knows the IP.

  • Wi-Fi

    Communication protocol allowing machines to be connected in a computer network, without them being connected using network cables.

  • Wi-Fi (open)

    Public, free Wi-Fi that everyone (lots of people) can access. Generally, there is no need for a password to access it.


Decorative picture for separation
Logo 1001 Queer
1001 Lesbiennes et Queer
Visit their website

It is an LBTQI+ feminist collective that brings together people of "Arab" immigration or labeled as such.

Clar-T (Care, Luttes, Ateliers, Rage - Transidentités) is an association from the South-West of France around self-support by and for transgender people.

Logo CIA
Collectif Intersexes et Allié-e-s
Visit their website

Collectif Intersexes et Allié.e.s – OII France (CIA-OII France), the only association by and for intersex people in France.

Logo DesCodeuses
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DesCodeuses is an association of general interest whose ambition is to accelerate the professional integration of women in the IT sector, through training, popularization and collective empowerment.

Logo Asso Echap
Asso Echap
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Association fighting against the use of technology in violence against women.

Logo En avant toute(s)
En avant toute(s)
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En avant toute(s) is an association that works for gender equality and an end to violence. It primarily targets young people by working towards raise awareness and finally changing sexist behavior. It also accompanies young women and LGBTQIA+ people experiencing violence within the couple and the family via dedicated chat platform.

Logo En avant toute(s)
Exodus Privacy
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εxodus analyses Android applications. It looks for embedded trackers and lists them. A tracker is a piece of software meant to collect data about you or what you do. In a way, εxodus reports are a way of knowing what really are the ingredients of the cake you are eating. εxodus does not decompile applications, its analysis technique is entirely legal.

Logo Faire Face
Faire Face
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Faire Face is a feminist and popular education association law 1901 created in Toulouse in 2007 to offer internships and promote feminist self-defense. It is made up of a team of activists and professionals in the field, trained in the study of social gender relations or intersectional issues, in the personal and professional backgrounds of animation, research or training.

Logo Féministes contre le cyberharcèlement
Féministes contre le cyberharcèlement
Visit their website

Feminists against cyberbullying is an intersectional feminist collective, constituted as an association under the law of 1901 since May 2017, and mobilized against violence against women, girls and LGBTQIA+ people via digital tools. The collective is at the origin of the #TwitterAgainstWomen campaign and aims to raise public awareness and social networks about cyberbullying and cyberviolence, to guide victims and inform them of possible remedies.

Logo Griselidis
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Founded in 2000 from an alliance between feminist activists and sex workers, the association welcomes sex workers and prostitutes in order to promote their access to health and rights.

Logo Gras Politique
Gras Politique
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Association against systemic fatphobia founded in 2016 to fill the political and militant vacuum around the question of the fat body. They fight radically against grossophobic oppression in a queer and feminist framework that stands up against all forms of discrimination.

Logo Guide d'autodéfense numérique
Guide d'Autodéfense Numérique
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A french guide made up of two volumes from the basics and less basics of the operation of your computer to the use of OpenPGP, including advice for choosing, checking and installing software, keeping the system up to date, etc.

Logo Guide d'autodéfense numérique
La Rebooterie
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Association that works for mutual aid and solidarity between people. We favor training and self-training to repair and use our digital tools based on the knowledge of each and everyone.

Lallab is a feminist and anti-racist association whose goal is to defend the rights of Muslim women and make their voices heard.

Logo Luttes des Gras-ses
Luttes des gras-ses
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Intersectional feminist collective of deconstruction and mutual aid around grossophobia which was born out of the frustration of not being represented in the various struggles.

Logo Net écoute
Net écoute
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Net Ecoute is the national toll-free number for children and teenagers facing problems in their digital uses.

Nta Rajel?
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Feminists, anti-racists, decolonialists and anti-capitalists, North African women, we aspire to raise our voices to make our lives heard and impose our humanities. Originally, a simple movement on twitter. Become a collective bringing together women determined to fight against all forms of discrimination.

Logo Security in a box
Security in a box
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Security-in-a-box is a guide to digital security for activists and human rights defenders around the world.

The STRASS or Syndicat du TRAvail Sexuel has existed since 2009 in France. It was created by sex workers during the European Conference on Prostitution which was then held in Paris; sex workers were gathered there, joined by lawyers, social workers, sociologists, etc.

Logo Take back the tech
Take back the tech
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Take Back The Tech! is a call to everyone, especially women and girls, to take control of technology in order to end violence against women. It is a global, collaborative campaign project that highlights the problem of tech-related violence against women, together with research and solutions from different parts of the world.

Logo The Sorority
The Sorority
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It is a safe, protective, mutual aid and sharing space dedicated to women and people from gender minorities ready to act. To help each other, To listen to each other. To support each other. To go forward. Together.

Logo Violences conjugales, sexistes et sexuelles, que faire ?
Violences conjugales, sexistes et sexuelles, que faire ?
Visit the website

Resources exist to help you. In one click, find direct access to existing systems: free legal consultations, list of associations by region, protection mechanisms, free anonymous numbers to talk with professionals, information, etc.

The activist association Watizat provides access to information for refugees in France. We see information as a vital resource that can make real differences in peoples’ lives, especially for those who are in precarious or vulnerable situations. Relaying accurate information can educate people about their legal rights and give them a better understanding of services and organizations available to them in the region.


Decorative picture of separation

It is possible to have visibility on the information collected about me. I can download the archives of my data on different social network platforms.

Blur faces
Download GIMP

It is sometimes necessary to blur faces to preserve the privacy of the people present in a photo (other than us) with photo editing software (ex: GIMP).

The app that protects you in real time from hateful content and cyberbullying on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Twitch.

Removes trackers from URLs.

Cookie AutoDelete
Link to the Firefox add-on

When a tab closes, all unused cookies are automatically deleted.

Protects against tracking linked to centralized “free” content distributors.

It is sometimes essential to delete your search history so that a third party does not come across it.

Digital breakup
Guide for a digital breakup

Thematic guides for managing the digital breakup with a (violent) partner.

Digital first aid kit
Access to the kit

If you or someone you are assisting is experiencing a digital emergency, the Digital First Aid Kit will guide you in diagnosing the issues you are facing, and refer you to support providers for further help if needed.

Digital self-defense guide

A guide made up of two volumes from the basics and less basics of the operation of your computer to the use of OpenPGP, including advice for choosing, checking and installing software, keeping the system up to date, etc.

Digital protection survival guide for activists

What are the main digital threats and how to protect against them? How does digital surveillance work? The survival guide tries to present in a synthetic way some answers to all these questions.

Disable automatic connection to Wi-Fi
Tutorial for Windows 10

Prevents automatic connection to an open Wi-Fi network without a password and therefore prevents the leakage of my private data.

Double authentication

Strong authentication method for accessing a computer resource after presenting two separate proofs of identity.

Encrypt and sign your emails
Link to Mozilla article on OpenPGP

Encrypting and signing your emails is sometimes necessary to protect your privacy according to your threat model.

Ethical browsers

These are browsers that do not collect personal information and do not store search history. For example: Firefox

Ethical mailbox hosts
List of ethical hosts

Two criteria are chosen to consider an email host to be ethical:

  • It respects the privacy of its users: does not read emails
  • It is based in a country that respects the privacy of its citizens

A good part of these hosts works by cooptation but you can sometimes send a request freely.

Facebook, groups privacy options
Detailed explanation on the Facebook site

To avoid my involuntary outing from people who do not know my membership in the queer/lgbti+ community, it is necessary to pay attention to the groups I join.
Indeed, if I join a public group on the subject of "Saint-Tropez' LGBT" and post a personal post, it is possible that Facebook friends will see this post even if they are not part of the group it is posted in.

Filming in protests

To keep memories, promote the event while preserving the privacy of its participants.

A platform to aggregate, store and share your monitoring around you.

Grindr holistic security guide
Grindr guide

With users worldwide, Grindr has become a vital part of the community and has flourished as a unique place for queer people to connect. But while Grindr is intended as a safe space, it’s features also have the potential to put users at risk.

Guide for victims of police violence
Access to the guide

17 practical and legal sheets.
Police violence is increasing. This violence affects the working classes, racialized people, the most precarious and, more and more often, the demonstrators every day. For many victims, the situation is all the more painful as they often find themselves isolated, without information or knowing where to turn.

Hard reset of your devices
Access to the website

HardReset.info: Hard Reset is a fast and easy way to wipe all of you personal data from your device and make it 100% clean.

Internet safety guide for people with autism spectrum disorder

People identified with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience the world differently compared to people who are not autistic. As a result, people with ASD might use the internet differently, and so might face different risks online compared to others.

Jargon Combatif
Link to the website

JARGON COMBATIF is a project created by Leyla Cabaux and initiated as part of a bachelor's degree in graphic design at the École supérieure des Arts de l'Image Le Septantecinq. It resembles thematic definitions of the militant milieu.

We sometimes host confidential, private, sensitive content on our phone. It is then possible to hide them in order to reduce the risk that a stranger or a malicious person falls on them.

Link to LibRedirect

A web extension that redirects YouTube, Twitter, TikTok, and other websites to alternative privacy friendly frontends.

We sometimes host confidential, private, sensitive content on our computer. It is therefore advisable to only give access to the person concerned by this content.

It is a decentralized social network, organized as a federation. Everyone can host their own mastodon (it's an instance) to talk to all users. Each instance has its rules and can choose to be private or communicate with others. Nobody controls mastodon except the users.

Metadata, delete

Photos posted on the web often contain much more information than we want. The date and time of the shooting or the GPS coordinates are very easy to find. This is why it is essential to know how to erase this metadata.

Mobilizon operates as a network of hosts connected to each other.
Anyone with the required technical skills can host a Mobilizon server called an instance.

Our voices our fights

Guide to self-defense against cyberbullying.

Password: generator
Generate a strong password

It is better to use a strong password with letters, numbers and special characters.

Password: manager
Choose your password manager

It is a type of software / online service that allows you to store several passwords by centralizing them in a database
/!\ Lastpass has suffered a data breach in the past.

Passwords are a central point in a strategy to secure your accounts and computer devices. This guide aims to detail different password strategies.

Pregnancy monitoring, app
Lien de téléchargement de l'application

Baby on Board is a pregnancy monitoring application that respects your freedom and privacy. It has no authorization for this. At least no risks.

Private Browsing

Private browsing is a function of most web browsers that allows you to browse the web without browsing data such as history or cookies being stored on the client station at the end of the session.

It is necessary to adjust your privacy settings on the various social networks that you use in order to control which audience has access to your content (photo, video, status, personal information, etc.)

It is sometimes possible to enable/disable this parameter and make your profile either visible or invisible in a search engine.

Extension that allows you to block advertising cookies on the internet browser

It is sometimes necessary to reduce access to a profile on a social network. People who want to follow it will have to wait for a confirmation from the owner of the private account

Link to Polisis

A site that summarizes the General Terms and Conditions of Use of another site

Recover your data

Social networks keep data about their users (information from accounts, personal history, journal, photos, etc.) Each user has the option of downloading a copy of their own data present on the social network.

Extension to block harmful users on twitter. It is possible to go to a user's profile on twitter and block them. We then open a session on red block by clicking on the icon then on the + and we follow the instructions to block, for example, the followers of the person we just blocked.

Restrict, direct messages and requests to add

Option on a social network to restrict access to their profile
On Facebook: Settings -> Privacy -> Who can send you invitations? -> Friends and their friends
On Instagram: Set the account to private
On Twitter: Settings -> Privacy and security -> Private messages -> Allow message requests from everyone (uncheck)

Right to delete personal information present on the web which harms a person. There are three types:

  • The right of opposition: countering the unlawful use of a person's personal data
  • The right to erasure: ask website owners to delete the URLs of posts and articles mentioning the person
  • Dereferencing: asserting your right to be forgotten on search engine results in order to eliminate personal information present in catalogs

The SafeDM filter is available on twitter. It protects users from viewing unsolicited sensitive content, such as dick pics.

Security in a box
Link to Security in a box

A guide to digital security for activists and human rights defenders around the world. It includes in particular:

  • Ensuring the physical security of my data
  • Know how to protect yourself on social networking sites
  • Use my smartphone safely (as much as possible…)
  • ...

Secure messaging to communicate with other people. End-to-end encryption powered by the open-source Signal protocol. Signal can neither read our messages nor listen to our calls, and no one else can.


It is sometimes necessary to keep evidence of a cyberattack. It is necessary to show the disputed content + the nickname of the person who created this content.

Protects your communications by automatically enabling HTTPS encryption on sites that support it

It is an easy to configure and customize messaging application. One can easily send encrypted and signed messages through Thunderbird.

Trusted Media Hosts
Host 1 Host 2

It is sometimes necessary to host your photos on the web. Here are two trusted sites for that.

Twitter, detectability of my email address and my telephone number
Discoverability tutorial, Twitter site

I can determine if other people can find me on Twitter by my email address or phone number by adjusting the discoverability option in my privacy settings.
Twitter also won't use my address book contacts (if I've chosen to import them) to suggest my account to other people.

A search browser ad blocker

VPNs are increasingly used by individuals to secure their internet browsing and make it completely anonymous. The software will temporarily assign you an IP address belonging to one of its servers which can be geolocated in any country in the world (your choice).

To secure the sending of personal photos, especially nudes, it is advisable to use a watermark over the photo with the nickname of the person to whom the photo is sent.

An encrypted communication and collaboration application. It is available for iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, GNU/Linux and web browsers such as Firefox.

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